On International Women’s Day, the World Bank introduced four Croatian scientists whose research is being financed through loans that support the Unity through Knowledge Fund (UKF)

Povodom Dana žena, Svjetska banka (eng. World Bank) je predstavila znanstvenice iz Hrvatske čija istraživanja se financiraju sredstvima Svjetske banke kroz Fond “Jedinstvo uz pomoć znanja„ (UKF).

Članak „Is Croatia Closing the Gender Gap in Science?“ možete pronaći koristeći se poveznicom: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2018/03/08/croatia-science-gender-gap

The article entitled „Is Croatia Closing the Gender Gap in Science?“ is available using a link: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2018/03/08/croatia-science-gender-gap