Posjet Institutu u sklopu bilateralnog hrvatsko-slovenskog znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta “Application of biotechnology tools for applied research in the Mediterranean agriculture: introduction of paternity tests in genotyping plants”

Od 3. do 5. lipnja 2019. na Institutu će boraviti slovenske znanstvenice, Dunja Bandelj, PhD i Alenka Baruca Arbeiter, PhD iz institucije University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Koper, Slovenija.

U utorak, 4. lipnja 2019., znanstvenice će održati dva predavanja za djelatnike Instituta. Tijekom prvog izlaganja, dr. sc. Alenka Arbeiter će zajedno s dr. sc. Gabrielom Vuletin Selak predstaviti rezultate UKF projekta „New approaches in understanding of the compatibility relationships and pollen–pistil interactions in olive (Olea europaea L.)“. Najnovija istraživanja koje znanstvenice provode na smilju prezentirat će profesorica Dunja Bandelj tijekom drugog izlaganja.

Pozivamo Vas na predavanja koja će se održati u vijećnici Instituta s početkom u 11:30.

Predavnaje 1. Paternity Analysis of the Olive Variety ‘‘Oblica’’ by Microsatellite Markers

Predavanje 2. Research of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. in Slovenia

A new research project involving scientists from the UKF project was approved for the period 2018 – 2020// Odobren novi istraživački projekt

In December 2018, the Institute for Adriatic Crops has signed a contract with the Split-Dalmatia County for financing of two-year project entitled “Agents, transmitters and bio-control of olive knot disease in the olive groves of the Split-Dalmatia County”. Project leader is Gabriela Vuletin Selak and collaborators are Petar Pujic, Katja Žanić, Marija Mandušić and Marina Raboteg.

U prosincu 2018., Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša iz Splita je potpisao ugovor sa Županijom splitsko-dalmatinskom o financiranju dvogodišnjeg projekta naziva ‟Uzročnici, prijenosnici, prevencija i bio-kontrola raka masline u maslinicima Splitsko-dalmatinske županijeˮ. Voditeljica projekta je dr. sc. Gabriela Vuletin Selak, a suradnici na projektu su dr. sc. Petar Pujić, dr. sc. Katja Žanić, Marija Mandušić, mag. ing. agr. i Marina Raboteg, mag. educ. biol. et chem.

Workshop for olive growers and producers / Radionica za maslinare i uljare

On the 9th January 2019, Gabriela Vuletin Selak and Jakša Rošin held a workshop for olive growers and olive oil producers in Podstrana. The workshop was organized by Institute for Adriatic Crops and olive growers association “Toć”. The UKF project and the lectures entitled “Orchard design – important prerequisite for successful olive cultivation” and “Ecology and agricultural practice in olive grove” were presented to audience during the workshop.

Dr. sc. Gabriela Vuletin Selak i mr. sc. Jakša Rošin održali su radionicu za maslinare i uljare 9. siječnja 2019. u Podstrani u organizaciji Instituta za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša i udruge maslinara “Toć”. Tijekom radionice, maslinarima je predstavljen UKF projekt te su održana dva predavanje naslova “Prikladan odabir sortimenta – značajan preduvjet za uspješnu maslinarsku proizvodnju” i “Ekologija i agrotehnika uzgoja masline”.

Short stay at Université Lyon 1, UMR CNRS 5557 Ecologie Microbienne, UMR INRA 1418 – VetAgro Sup in Lyon, France

Gabriela Vuletin Selak, UKF project leader from the Institute for Adriatic Crops has finished a short-term stay at Université Lyon 1, UMR CNRS 5557 Ecologie Microbienne, UMR INRA 1418 – VetAgro Sup in Lyon, France. She spent one week in co-leader institution in Lyon starting from 24 November to 1 December 2018. In collaboration with Petar Pujic, PhD, she discussed results gained from experiments conducted in laboratories in France.

Petar Pujic, PhD, UKF project co-leader

The World Bank representatives visited the Institute for Adriatic Crops//Predstavnici Svjetske banke posjetili Institut za jadranske kulture

On 19 November 2018, representatives of World Bank, Arabella Sena Aprahamian and Todor Milchevski visited the Institute for Adriatic Crops to hear about the work of the Institute and about the results and benefits arising from UKF projects financed by the World Bank Loan.

Institute director, Katja Žanić, PhD presented the Institute mission and UKF project leaders presented their projects, laboratories and discussed the outcomes of projects with representatives.

Gabriela Vuletin Selak, PhD presented current project ʻNew approaches in understanding of the compatibility relationships and pollen–pistil interactions in olive (Olea europaea L.)ʼ.

Predstavnici Svjetske banke Arabela Sena Aprahamian i Todor Milchevski posjetili su Institut za jadranske kulture kako bi se pobliže upoznali s radom Instituta te rezultatima i koristima koje su proizašle iz UKF projekata koji su financirani iz sredstava Zajma.

Ravnateljica Instituta dr. sc. Katja Žanić predstavila je rad Instituta.

Dr. sc. Tomislav Radić, dr. sc. Slavko Perica i dr. sc. Gabriela Vuletin Selak predstavili su UKF projekte.

Workshop ʻMolecular structure, function and evolution of pollen and pistil interaction in olive (Olea europaea L.)ʼ//Održana radionica ʻMolekularna struktura, funkcija i evolucija međudjelovanja peludi i tučka kod masline (Olea europaea L.)ʼ

Workshop ‟Molecular structure, function and evolution of pollen and pistil interaction in olive (Olea europaea L.) ˮ within the UKF project ʽNew approaches in understanding of the compatibility relationships and pollen–pistil interactions in olive (Olea europaea L.)ʼ was held on 26 October 2018 at the Institute for Adriatic Crops. Co-workers and researches from the Institute  participated in the workshop.

The workshop was led by Dr. Petar Pujic and Dr. Gabriela Vuletin Selak.


Radionica naziva ‟Molekularna struktura, funkcija i evolucija međudjelovanja peludi i tučka kod masline (Olea europaea L.)ˮ u  sklopu UKF projekta ‟Novi pristupi u razumijevanju reproduktivne kompatibilnosti i interakcije pelud–tučak kod masline (Olea europaea L.)ˮ održana je u Splitu, 26. listopada 2018. u vijećnici Instituta za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša. Radionici su prisustvovali suradnici s projekta i drugi znanstvenici s Instituta.

Radionicu su vodili dr. Petar Pujić i dr. Gabriela Vuletin Selak koji su znanstvenoj publici predstavili aktivnosti i rezultate UKF projekta.

Radionica ‟Molekularna struktura, funkcija i evolucija međudjelovanja peludi i tučka kod masline (Olea europaea L.)ˮ

Radionica naziva ‟Molekularna struktura, funkcija i evolucija međudjelovanja peludi i tučka kod masline (Olea europaea L.)ˮ u  sklopu UKF projekta ‟Novi pristupi u razumijevanju reproduktivne kompatibilnosti i interakcije pelud–tučak kod masline (Olea europaea L.)ˮ održat će se u Splitu, 26. listopada 2018. u vijećnici Instituta za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša s početkom u 11:00.

Tijekom radionice, dr. Petar Pujić i dr. Gabriela Vuletin Selak će znanstvenoj publici predstaviti aktivnosti i rezultate UKF projekta.

Presentation at OLIVEBIOTEQ 2018, the 6th international conference on the olive tree and olive products in Seville, Spain

From 15.-19. October 2018, dr. Gabriela Vuletin Selak participated at OLIVEBIOTEQ 2018, the 6th international conference on the olive tree and olive products organized in Seville, Spain. During the conference, dr. Gabriela Vuletin Selak presented her research under the title An improved method for high-quality DNA extraction from olive embryos – plant tissue rich in polyphenols and polysaccharides” and had opportunity to share and discuss her work with prominent scientists from olive growing area.

The aims of conference were to bring together the latest advances and knowledge in the areas of breeding and propagation; reproductive and molecular biology, genomics and biotechnology; crop response to biotic and abiotic stresses and crop management; economics of the olive crop and olive products; table olive and olive oil quality, authenticity, technology and by-products; and nutrition and health.

Workshop for olive growers and producers / Radionica za maslinare i uljare

On October 11, 2018 Gabriela Vuletin Selak, Ph.D. held a workshop for olive oil producers in Kaštel Sućurac organized by Olive growers association”Mastrinka”.

The UKF project and the lecture entitled “New approaches and results in research of reproductive compatibility between olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.)” were presented to audience and to media representatives during the workshop.

Dr. sc. Gabriela Vuletin Selak održala je radionicu za maslinare i uljare 11. listopada 2018. u Kaštel Sućurcu u organizaciji Udruge maslinara “Mastrinka”. Tijekom radionice, maslinarima i predstavnicima medija predstavljen je UKF projekt i predavanje naslova “Novi pristupi i rezultati u istraživanju reproduktivne kompatibilnosti sorti masline (Olea europaea L.) ”.

The European Researchers’ Night, Split, 2018//Europska noć istraživača

Znanstvenici s Instituta za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, partnera na projektu Techno-Past Techno-Future; European Researchers´ Night financiranog u sklopu Okvirnog programa EU-a za istraživanje i inovacije 2014. – 2020. Obzor 2020., su tijekom Europske noći istraživača održane 28. rujna 2018. u Splitu predstavili svoj rad. Maslinarska grupa znanstvenika je predstavila projekte koji se provode u području maslinarstva.

On September 28, 2018, researchers from the Institute for Adriatic Crops participated at the European Researchers’ Night organized in Split and presented their work.

The organization of the European Researchers’ Night is the main activity of the project Techno-Past Techno-Future; European Researchers’ Night which is funded under the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation 2014 – 2020 – Horizon 2020.

The European Researchers’ Night is a long-standing initiative of the European Commission in the area of science, with an emphasis on the popularization of science, on raising public awareness of the importance of “science in and for society”, on the importance of scientific and research work and on the European and national scientific policies.