- Assessment of the flowering periods
- Collection of the samples of pistils for histology and immunohistochemistry analyses, and pollen for in vitro assay. Perfect flowers from ‘Oblica’ trees were gathered periodically at stages just before the anthesis, during the flowering period and at the end of this period. Pollen samples were collected at the full bloom.
- The samples are stored in 4% Paraformaldehyde Solution in PBS; and another set at – 70 °C until further analysis in the laboratories of the University of Lyon and the University of Split.
- Praćenje razdoblje cvjetanja sorti
- Prikupljanje uzoraka cvjetova (tučkova) tijekom različitih razvojnih stadija
- Pohranjivanje uzoraka u 4% paraformaldehidu u PBS; te dijela uzoraka na – 70°C do predstojećih analiza u laboratorijima Sveučilišta u Lyonu i Sveučilišta u Splitu.