The World Bank representatives visited the Institute for Adriatic Crops//Predstavnici Svjetske banke posjetili Institut za jadranske kulture

On 19 November 2018, representatives of World Bank, Arabella Sena Aprahamian and Todor Milchevski visited the Institute for Adriatic Crops to hear about the work of the Institute and about the results and benefits arising from UKF projects financed by the World Bank Loan.

Institute director, Katja Žanić, PhD presented the Institute mission and UKF project leaders presented their projects, laboratories and discussed the outcomes of projects with representatives.

Gabriela Vuletin Selak, PhD presented current project ʻNew approaches in understanding of the compatibility relationships and pollen–pistil interactions in olive (Olea europaea L.)ʼ.

Predstavnici Svjetske banke Arabela Sena Aprahamian i Todor Milchevski posjetili su Institut za jadranske kulture kako bi se pobliže upoznali s radom Instituta te rezultatima i koristima koje su proizašle iz UKF projekata koji su financirani iz sredstava Zajma.

Ravnateljica Instituta dr. sc. Katja Žanić predstavila je rad Instituta.

Dr. sc. Tomislav Radić, dr. sc. Slavko Perica i dr. sc. Gabriela Vuletin Selak predstavili su UKF projekte.