Presentation at the Science Festival 2018 with this year’s theme “Discoveries”

The highlighted theme of the 16th Science Festival was “Discoveries”. The Science Festival took place in more than 20 cities in Croatia from the April 16th-21th. The Science Festival in Split offered many events at different locations, and its rich program covered all ages.

As a part of sort lectures presented by scientists from Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation entitled ‘Scientific discoveries in the development of Mediterranean agriculture’, project leader Dr. Gabriela Vuletin Selak, held a presentation „The love life of plants – new approaches to understanding reproductive compatibility of olives“ on April 20 in Marko Marulić city library in Split.

Throughout the lecture, the listeners were introduced to basic knowledge on plant reproduction with emphasis on olive reproductive biology. The importance of understanding the reproduction in plants is highlighted at the beginning because the direct products of this reproduction are fruits and seeds that are the important source of food. The aims, objectives and the significance of the UKF Project were presented as well as the new tools and approaches in the assessment of the compatibility relationships in the olive cultivars.


Prezentacija na Festivalu znanosti 2018 s ovogodišnjom temom “Otkrića”

U nizu kratkih predavanja djelatnika Instituta za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša pod zajedničkom temom „Znanstvena otkrića u razvoju mediteranske poljoprivrede“, voditeljica projekta dr. sc. Gabriela Vuletin Selak je 20. travnja 2018. u prostorima Gradske knjižnice Marka Marulića u Splitu održala predavanje na temu „Ljubavni život biljaka – novi pristupi u razumijevanju reproduktivne kompatibilnosti masline“.

Kroz prezentaciju, slušatelje je upoznala s reproduktivnim organima i procesima kod biljaka s naglaskom na reproduktivnu biologiju masline. Na početku predavanja naglašena je važnost istraživanja biljne reproduktivne biologije jer su plodovi i sjemenke koje svakodnevno koristimo u prehrani direktan produkt procesa oprašivanja i oplodnje. Ciljevi i značaj novog UKF projekta koji je vezan uz temu reproduktivne biologije masline su predstavljeni publici zajedno s novim alatima i pristupima u izučavanju reproduktivne kompatibilnosti između sorti maslina.